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6th International Symposium on Transportation Soil Engineering
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"Railway track and facilities" - popular scientific, production and technical journal of JSC "Russian Railways"

More than 60 years it covers the activity of enterprises of track facilities of national railroads and experience of foreign countries. The journal is the edition which gives the actual information on repairs and maintenance of a track, engineering constructions, development and introduction of new designs of a track, bridges, tunnels and pipes, modern track machines and mechanisms, perfection of a control system of an infrastructure.

Included in the list of leading peer-reviewed scientific publications of the Higher Attestation Commission under the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation.

Journal’s Internet site: ( )

World of Transport and Transportation Journal Scientific and practical per reviewed

journal is founded by Moscow State University of Railway Engineering (MIIT). The scope of authors represents different modes of transport, academia, Universities, research organizations, transport administrations and transportation businesses form different Russian regions and foreign countries.

The Journal is part of a Russian List of leading peer-reviewed scientific journals intended for publication of the results of Ph.D. and D.Sc. theses, as well as of Russian scientific citation index system.

Journal’s Internet site: (

Science, Technology and Practice Journal «Transport construction»

The Journal publishes scientific articles on the results of research and development work in the field of transport construction, information on practical issues of production character, scientific and technical achievements of organizations of the industry, the application of advanced technologies and new building materials in the field of construction. The magazine provides information about adopted regulatory documents, which are compulsory for implementation in transport construction, features about the history of transport construction, news monitoring, reviews on recent books and many other things

Journal’s Internet site  : (

Kriosfera Zemli (Earth’s Cryosphere)

Is a top-line peer-review periodical scientific journal on the list of the Russian State Commission for Academic Degrees and Titles. It is indexed in the Scopus, RSCI Web of Science (Russian science citation index), and GeoRef abstract databases.

The journal publishes results of original researches concerned with various cryosphere issues with focus on permafrost investigations: new data on permafrost structure, characteristics, formation and evolution, methods and results of permafrost modeling, methods for studying permafrost on the Earth and other planets, with reference to interdisciplinary studies.

Journal’s Internet: (

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